Gradient Presenting at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 2016 Annual Meeting

News & Events

December 6, 2016

Gradient will have wide-spread participation in the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting taking place December 11-15, 2016 in in San Diego, California.  Lorenz Rhomberg, Ph.D., ATS will be awarded the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 2016 Fellow Award.  Also, seven presentations are planned, including: 

Title and Authors


“A Toxicologist’s View of Alternatives Assessment: Challenges and Opportunities.” >
T. Lewandowski

Monday, December 12, 2016
3:50 PM

“Comparison of Risk-Based Concentrations Derived for Pesticides in Drinking Water with US EPA Human Health Benchmarks.”
R. Mattuck

Monday, December 12, 2016
6:00 – 8:00 PM, poster session

“Improving Ecological Risk Assessment by Embracing Benchmark Dose Analysis.”
D. Mayfield, D. Skall

Monday, December 12, 2016
6:00 – 8:00 PM, poster session

“W3-I Symposium: Incorporating, Mapping, and Communicating Uncertainty in Geospacioal Risk Analysis to Support Informed Decisions.”
Chair M. Mayo

Wednesday, December 14
1:30 – 3:00 PM

“Positional uncertainty in imagery analysis: establishing historical site operations and evaluating land cover evolution in support of risk assessment.”
M. Mayo, S. Ikeda

Wednesday, December 14
1:50 PM

“Nanoscale Substances in Food: Small Materials Raise Big Questions.”
J. Cohen

Wednesday, December 14
4:10 PM

“Screening for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Hazards in the Workplace.”
D. Dodge, T. Lewandowski

Monday, December 12
6:00-8:00 PM, poster session

“W4 Symposium: Risk-Based Approaches for the Safety of Food and Dietary Supplements.”
Co-Chair, E. Dubé.

Wednesday, December 14
3:30 – 5:10 PM