Beyer, LA September 26, 2017
Safety Determination of Substances Added to Food Via US FDA's Voluntary GRAS Notification Rule.
Presented at the Smithers Pira Food Contact & Additives Conference, Crystal City, VA
Levy, LC September 26, 2013|September 27, 2013
A Review of Vapor Intrusion Guidelines by State.
Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA) & Brown University Superfund Research Program, Vapor Intrusion Updates Workshop, Providence RI and Westford, MA
Mayfield, D September 26, 2013
Environmental Regulations For Strategic Metals: How Can Industry Navigate These Challenges?
Minor Metals Americas Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
Lewis, A September 24, 2014
Chemical Hazard Assessment: Role in Regulation and Green Chemistry.
Presented at 26th Annual Product Liabitliy Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sharma, M|Saba, T|Bittner, T September 19, 2003
Optimization of Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems Using Numerical Modeling and the Monte Carlo Approach.
Presented at National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Midsouth Focus Conference
Handler, JI|Gutierrez, SR|Mayo, MJ|Pollock, MC September 18, 2018
GIS for environmental litigation.
Bloomberg Environmental and Energy News
Rice, JW|Herman, K October 9, 2019
Developing and Implementing an MGP Site Prioritization Framework.
Presented at MGP Conference 2019, Philadelphia, PA
Meijer, S|Gioia, R|Zhang, J October 8, 2015
REACH Overview with Special Considerations for REACH 2018.
Presented at Gradient's Reach 2018 Webinar.
Cohen, J October 6, 2022
Tools and Best Practices for Read-Across in Toxicological Risk Assessment of Medical Devices.
Presented at the Biocompatibility Matters 2022 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Rice, JW|Cohen, JM|Lewandowski, TA October 31, 2018
Does one size fit all? Tailoring read-across methodology based on endpoint-specific criteria.
Presented at Navigating TSCA Reform: Evolving Chemical Hazard Evaluation Strategies for SMEs (Session Two) Webinar
Verslycke, T October 29, 2014
Sustainability and Microconstituent Management – What Are the Big Questions?
Presented at NEWEA Specialty Conference on Microconstitutents: Sources, Sinks and Sustainability, Bentley University, Waltham, MA
Lewis, A October 25, 2016
Framework Overview: Evaluating Surface Impoundment Closure Options.
Verslycke, T|Lewis, AS October 24, 2023
Screening, Testing, and Assessing Ingredient Portfolios for Endocrine Disruption.
Verslycke, T|Lewis, AS October 24, 2023
Screening, Testing, and Assessing Ingredient Portfolios for Endocrine Disruption.
Presented at the Personal Care Product Council Science Symposium, Arlington, VA
Lewandowski, TA|Rice, JW October 24, 2018
Chemical Safety Evaluation Challenges of the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA).
Presented at Navigating TSCA Reform: Evolving Chemical Hazard Evaluation Strategies for SMEs (Session One) Webinar