Increased Funding Supports Fenceline Monitoring Near Environmental Justice Communities
Topics: Environmental Justice, Fenceline Air Monitoring, Air Quality and Emissions, Industrial Emissions Impacts
Recent funding for community and fenceline air monitoring presents significant opportunity to better understand and mitigate industrial emissions impacts on neighboring communities, especially within environmental justice communities.
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, community and fenceline air monitoring will see a significant increase in funding, especially within environmental justice communities. United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) will be provided with $117.5 million for fenceline and community monitoring efforts through 2031, with another $3 million to be allocated to installing air quality sensors in low income and disadvantaged communities. In addition, Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants will provide $3 billion in potential funding for fenceline and community monitoring projects put forward by local governments and community-based non-profits through 2026.
This funding builds on US EPA’s growing focus on using fenceline and community monitoring to better understand and mitigate industrial emissions impacts on neighboring communities. Initial passage of US EPA’s Refinery Rule in 2015 instituted benzene fenceline monitoring requirements for petroleum refineries. Subsequent state actions (California AB1647, Colorado HB21-1189) and US EPA settlement agreements have gradually expanded this practice to other pollutants and industries. The new funding of the Inflation Reduction Act can be expected to greatly expand the collection and availability of monitoring data, with an increase in the number of monitoring networks designed and run by government and nonprofit groups.
Understanding the relative contribution of different sources of air emissions and assessing cumulative impacts from chemical and nonchemical stressors will be important.
Expanded fenceline monitoring represents a significant opportunity to better understand and control emissions. Fugitive sources, leaks, and accidental releases can be better quantified and mitigated, allowing facilities the opportunity to rectify short-term problems before they represent long-term risks to the community. However, the public availability of this data comes with challenges in effective risk evaluation, community engagement, and risk communication, particularly in the context of understanding the relative contribution of different sources of air emissions and assessing cumulative impacts from chemical and nonchemical stressors.
Gradient is positioned to assist clients at this intersection of industrial activity, government policy, and community engagement. Our scientists are at the forefront of air quality, air emissions, and risk assessment, and excel at interpreting and communicating the meaning of complex data to community and government agencies. If you have questions about how expanded fenceline monitoring may impact your industry, please contact Gradient.
Christopher DesAutels, M.S.
Principal Scientist
Ari S. Lewis, M.S.
Julie C. Lemay, M.P.H.
Senior Environmental Health Scientist
Chris M. Long, Sc. D., DABT
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
Gradient will have six presentations at the MGP Conference 2022, taking place September 28-30 in Chicago, Illinois. Click the links below to view the presentation and poster abstracts.
Gradient’s 2022 MGP Presentations and Posters:
“Soil Vapor Fingerprinting to Differentiate Petrogenic and Pyrogenic Sources”
James Rice
Session 1: Innovative Site Characterization Techniques
09/28/22 @ 1:25 pm-1:45 pm
“Weight-of-Evidence Approach to Estimate Release Timing at a Former MGP Site”
John Kondziolka
Session 1: Innovative Site Characterization Techniques
09/28/22 @ 2:25 pm-2:45 pm
“Environmental Justice and the MGP Community Programs and Screening Tools”
Matthew Mayo
Session 7: Community Relations
09/29/22 @ 4:15 pm-4:35 pm
“Risk-based Remediation Case Study”
Meghna Swamy
Session 8: Remediation Case Studies
09/30/22 @ 8:45 am-9:05 am
“Historical Assessments of Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites”
Anna Engel
“Key Findings Regarding Soil Gas Sampling at Former Manufactured Gas Distribution Holder Sites”
Kurt Herman
Gradient will have four presentations at the SETAC North America 43rd Annual Meeting, taking place November 13-17, 2022, in Pittsburgh, PA. Click the links below to view the presentation and poster abstracts.
Gradient’s 2022 SETAC Presentations and Posters:
“4.15.T-03 – Evaluating Exposure and Risk in Fenceline Communities: The Uses and Limitations of Publicly Available Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Tools”
Ari Lewis, Julie Lemay, Naomi Slagowski
Session 4.15: Life at the Fenceline – State-of-the-Science Exposure Assessment for Communities Adjacent to Industrial Facilities
11/14/22 @ 2:40 pm-2:55 pm
“5.11.T-07 – When Molecules Fall Apart: New Approach Methodologies for Chemicals That Dissociate”
Jessie Kneeland, Chase Butler, Anya Chinniah, Patricia Clyde
Session 5.11: In Silico NAMs: Recent Developments and Regulatory Applications
11/16/22 @ 12:00 pm-12:15 pm
“4.20.P-We156 – Read-Across: A Promising Tool for Predicting Removal of Chemicals of Emerging Concern from Wastewater”
Patricia Clyde, Anya Chinniah, Jessie Kneeland
Session 4.20: Chemistry and Exposure (Poster Only)
11/16/22 @ 8:00 am-6:00 pm
“8.01.T-06 – A Trade Name Market Differentiator: Case Studies Under the ChemFORWARD SAFER Program”
Jiaru Zhang, Charlotte Marsh, Kim Reynolds Reid, Patrick Harmon
Session 8.01: Advances in Methods, Policies, and Practices for Safer and More Sustainable Alternatives
11/17/22 @ 11:40 am-11:55 am
Gradient will be presenting three posters at the American College of Toxicology 43rd Annual Meeting, taking place November 13-16, 2022, in Denver, CO. Click the links below to view the poster abstracts.
Gradient’s 2022 ACT Posters:
“Environmental Assessment for Human Drug Approval – An Outdated Technical Framework?”
Ifeoluwa Bamgbose, Tim Verslycke
“Safety Review of Residual CRISPR-Cas Components in Biologics – A Toxicological Perspective”
Isaac Mohar, Archit Rastogi
“A Dermal Sensitization Threshold (DST) for Device Extractables”
Rebecca Ticknor, Isaac Mohar, Joel Cohen, and Tom Lewandowski
Updates on Asbestos Regulation Under TSCA
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, requires the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to evaluate the safety of existing chemicals in three stages: prioritization, risk evaluation, and risk management.
In 2016, asbestos was prioritized as one of the first ten chemicals to undergo risk evaluation in this process. US EPA initially focused on chrysotile asbestos, as it is the only asbestos fiber type currently imported, processed, or distributed in the US. The agency completed the final risk evaluation for chrysotile asbestos (Part 1) in December, 2020. In this evaluation, the agency concluded that some consumer and commercial uses of chrysotile asbestos-containing automotive brakes and clutches, as well as the industrial use of chrysotile asbestos-containing diaphragms in the chlor-alkali industry, sheet gaskets in chemical production, and brake blocks in the oil industry, result in unreasonable cancer risks. In December, 2021, US EPA released the draft scope for Part 2 of the risk evaluation of asbestos, which is a supplemental effort to evaluate legacy uses and associated disposals of asbestos, other types of asbestos fibers in addition to chrysotile, and conditions of use of asbestos in talc and talc-containing products.
Currently, US EPA is moving forward with risk management actions related to Part 1 of the chrysotile asbestos evaluation. In April, 2022, US EPA proposed a ban of ongoing uses of chrysotile asbestos, based on its findings of unreasonable risks to human health in the Part 1 evaluation. This proposed ban would prohibit the manufacture, import, processing, distribution in commerce, and commercial use of chrysotile asbestos for:
Gradient submitted comments to US EPA on a draft of the Part 1 chrysotile risk evaluation and also provided comments on the Part 2 draft scope (as included in the Industrial Minerals Association – North America submission to US EPA). US EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed rule to ban ongoing uses of chrysotile asbestos until July 13, 2022. US EPA is also accepting public comments until July 5, 2022, on a proposed rule that would require those who manufactured or processed asbestos and asbestos-containing articles (including as an impurity) in the last four years to report certain exposure-related information, such as quantities of asbestos manufactured or processed and the types of use. There will be additional opportunities for public comment as US EPA continues the evaluation process for asbestos, including a public comment period on a draft of the Part 2 risk evaluation. US EPA is required by court order to publish Part 2 of the final risk evaluation for asbestos by December 1, 2024.
Gradient has been tracking the evolving science, state of knowledge, and regulatory decisions regarding asbestos for decades. If you have questions related to asbestos, please visit our website or contact:
Lisa Bailey, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
David Dodge, M.S., DABT, CIH
Principal Scientist
Michael K. Peterson, M.E.M., DABT
Robyn Prueitt, Ph.D., DABT
Principal Scientist
Topics: Asbestos, Chrysotile Asbestos, TSCA, Chemical Safety Review
Charlotte Marsh has met criteria to become a certified professional product steward (CPPS). Congratulations, Charlotte!
About CPPS
“Product stewards are responsible for the management of raw materials, intermediate materials, and consumer products throughout their lifecycle and across the value chain to prevent or minimize negative impacts and maximize value to human health and safety and to the environment. For example, when producing a plastic bottle for drinking water, product stewards take steps to keep workers, consumers, and the environment healthy and safe: from turning the crude oil into plastic pellets, making the pellets into bottles, filling the bottles with water, bringing them to supermarkets, and finally disposing of or recycling them after they have been used.”
Julie C. Lemay, M.P.H. was reelected to serve on the Board of Health in the town of Belmont, MA.
See website for Town of Belmont
Ali Boroumand has met criteria to become a licensed engineer with the state of Massachusetts. Congratulations, Ali!
About the National Society of Professional Engineers
To become licensed, engineers must complete a four-year college degree, work under a Professional Engineer for at least four years, pass two intensive competency exams and earn a license from their state’s licensure board. Then, to retain their licenses, PEs must continually maintain and improve their skills throughout their careers.