Gradient Presenting at the 58th Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting

News & Events

January 15, 2019


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The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) will take place March 10-14 in Baltimore, Maryland. Click the links below to see the presentation abstracts.

Platform Presentation Workshop:

“A Conceptual Model for Predicting How Acutely Toxic Exposure Levels Should Relate to Those Associated with Toxicity from Longer-Term Exposures, Suggesting Approaches to Using
in vitro Data in Exposure-Duration Extrapolation”

Lorenz R. Rhomberg
Monday, March 11 – 9:50AM-10:20AM
Abstract #1028

“Strategies and Innovations for Addressing the Requirements of Proposition 65 and Other Consumer Product Regulations”
Tom Lewandowski, Michael K. Peterson, Invited Guest: Martha Sandy, Branch Chief, California EPA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Division of Scientific Programs Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch
Monday, March 11 – 1:30PM-2:30PM
(Exhibitor-Hosted Session)

“Updating the Delaney Clause: Mode of Action Considerations for Carcinogens”
Barbara D. Beck
Tuesday, March 12 – 11:05AM-11:20PM

To be presented in the roundtable “The Delaney Clause, from 1958 to 2019: Making the Model Relevant”

Gradient’s 2019 SOT Poster Presentations Include:

“Evaluation of the Mesotheliogenic Potential of Fibrous Talc Relative to Amphibole Asbestos in
in vitro and in vivo Studies”

David G. Dodge, Michael K. Peterson
Monday, March 11 – 10:45AM – 12:15PM
Poster: P740

“Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of the Impact of Intermittent Oral Exposures to Lead on Blood Lead Levels and Associated
Health Risks”

Joel M. Cohen, Rosemary Mattuck, Barbara D. Beck
Tuesday, March 12 – 10:45AM – 12:15PM
Poster: P206

“Looking Under the Hood – Expert Review of
in silico Carcinogenicity Predictions”

Joel M. Cohen, Brad C. Hansen
Tuesday, March 12 – 10:45AM – 12:15PM
Poster: P160

“Critical Evaluation of Human Evidence for the Potential Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Nickel and Nickel Compounds”
Robyn Prueitt, Liuhua Shi, Kirsten (Ke) Zu,
Julie E. Goodman
Tuesday, March 12 – 1:30PM – 3:00PM
Poster: P767

“Considerations for Grouping Different PFAS Together to Develop Guidance Values”
Laura E. Kerper, Heather N. Lynch, Barbara D. Beck, Mara Seeley, Daniella M. Pizzurro
Tuesday, March 12 – 3:00PM-4:30PM
Poster: P253

“Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Mode of Action for Tetrachloroethylene and Proposal for an Occupational Exposure Limit”
Lisa A. Bailey
Tuesday, March 12 – 3:00PM-4:30PM
Poster: P255

“Risk Assessment to Determine Proposition 65 Compliance for a Consumer Product:
Diisononyl Phthalate”

Sara Pacheco Shubin, Isaac Mohar,
Tom Lewandowski
Tuesday, March 12 – 3:00PM-4:30PM
Poster: P254

“Evaluating the Impact on IQ of Short-Term Increases in Blood Lead Levels”
Teresa S. Bowers, Xiaobin Liu
Wednesday, March 13 – 10:45AM – 12:15PM
Poster: P630

“Comparison of Lung Cancer Risks from Environmental Exposures to Arsenic and from Those Associated with Medical Monitoring Criteria for Smokers”
Kirsten (Ke) Zu, Lisa A. Bailey, Barbara D. Beck, Mara Seeley
Wednesday, March 13 – 9:15AM – 10:45PM
Poster: P262

“Critical Review and Synthesis of Animal Toxicity Studies of Talc”
Michael K. Peterson, Laura E. Kerper
Wednesday, March 13 – 1:30PM – 3:00PM
Poster: P217

Click to see more information on the SOT Annual Meeting.


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