“An iterative and multidisciplinary framework for determining read-across chemical surrogates.” James W. Rice, Halle C. Ritter, Jessie M. Kneeland, Jiaru Zhang, Chase Butler, Abigail E. Noble
“The accounts table for weighing diverse lines of evidence to assess causality.” Lisa Bailey, Lorenz R. Rhomberg
“Caveats and challenges in harmonizing quantitative risk assessments for cancer and noncancer risk.” Lorenz R. Rhomberg
“Comparison of a site risk assessment conducted using EPA superfund risk assessment guidelines vs. LDEQ RECAP methods.” Grace I. Greenberg, Leslie A. Beyer
“Degradation products as read-across surrogates for hazard assessment of readily degradable substances.” Daniella M. Pizzurro, Halle C. Ritter, Tamara D. Lunsman
“Extrapolation of controlled human study results to the US population.” Julie Goodman
“How a sensitivity analysis of raw data would strengthen EPA’s chlorpyrifos risk assessment.” Julie E. Goodman, Christine T. Loftus, Lorenz R. Rhomberg, Heather N. Lynch
“Non-cancer risk assessment of libby amphibole asbestos.” Kirsten Zu, Gloria Tao, Heather Lynch, Laura Kerper, Julie Goodman