Meghna H. Swamy, M.S.
Principal Scientist
Ms. Swamy is a principal scientist with over 20 years of environmental engineering consulting and litigation experience. Her primary areas of expertise are contaminant fate and transport, source evaluation, risk-based remediation, and environmental cost liability/allocation. She has led site investigations, developed remedial strategies, and evaluated remedy appropriateness and performance at numerous sites in the US and abroad. She has provided technical expertise on cases involving multi-potentially responsibly party (PRP) liability assessment and cost allocation, insurance cost recovery, National Contingency Plan (NCP) consistency, and historical state of knowledge. Ms. Swamy’s extensive project experience represents a wide range of industry sectors (e.g., mining, chemical manufacturing, MGPs, landfills) and contaminant types (e.g., NAPLs, PFAS, chlorinated solvents, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], 1,4-dioxane, metals).
Contaminant Fate and Transport: Evaluated the fate and transport of pine tar dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and creosote DNAPL in an interbedded unconsolidated deposit aquifer system at a Superfund site in Florida. Managed the remedial investigation and design efforts to address the pine tar contamination in groundwater, surface water and sediments.
PCB Fate and Transport: Evaluated distribution and transport of DNAPL in stream sediments and floodplains at a Superfund site to determine whether DNAPL observed in a previously remediated area was the result of residual contamination or an ongoing release from a failed source control measure.
MGP Risk-Based Remediation: Developed a risk-based site investigation and remediation strategy for an MGP site and adjoining properties in an urban residential/commercial area.
PFAS Cost Recovery: Evaluated treatment technologies and estimated treatment costs for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) affecting groundwater quality at public water supply wells in the context of a cost recovery matter.
Portfolio Liability Assessment: Developed a site ranking methodology to assess the environmental liabilities and recommend next steps for a large portfolio of MGP sites based on factors such as historical operations, physical setting, site investigation/remediation, and third-party issues.
Superfund Site Cost Allocation: Developed PRP cost allocation involving former MGP and wood treating operations. Performed a fate and transport and forensic evaluation of PAH/NAPL contamination for source apportionment.
NCP Consistency Evaluation: Evaluated the NCP consistency of response actions performed for wellhead treatment at public water supply wells.
PRP Search (Chlorinated Solvents): Multi-faceted research effort to identify potential sources of chlorinated solvents in Long Island, New York.
Swamy, M; Kondziolka, J; Herman, K. 2022. “Risk-Based Remediation Case Study – Former MGP Facility.” Presented at the MGP Conference, Chicago, IL, September 30.
Kondziolka, J; Swamy, M; Dale, A; Herman, K. 2022. “Weight-of-Evidence Approach to Estimate Release Timing at a Former MGP Site.” Presented at the MGP Conference, Chicago, IL, September 28.
Swamy, M. 2014. “Developing cleanup criteria in the absence of regulations.” Gradient Trends – Risk Science & Application 59:3,5.
Swamy, M. 2013. “Risk-Based Remediation and Closure of a Petroleum Feedstock Affected Site in India.” Presented at the Battelle Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, 19p.