Webinar on Water Rights

News & Events

May 19, 2017

Gradient Webinar Invitation

Join Gradient’s Spring 2017 Trends article authors for a free webinar and online discussion on Water Rights that expands upon the information in the printed articles.

Webinar Topic: Water Rights
Date: May 31, 2017
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

 Register HereClick here to register

Samuel A. Flewelling, Ph.D. “Increasing Water Use Will Escalate Disputes”

Matthew P. Tymchak, M.S. “The Secret Life of Rain”

David E. Langseth, Sc.D, P.E., D.WRE “Pumping Groundwater Impacts Rivers”

Gina Waterfield, Ph.D. “Guest Editorial: The Economic Water Balance”

The webinar will conclude with Q&A. There is no charge to attend.

 Register HereClick here to register

See Trends Spring issue on Water Rights.

Revisit Trends Most Popular Articles.