TSCA Update: EPA Publishing New Data in ChemView Database

News & Events

June 5, 2019


EPA Now Makes Premanufacture Notice Submissions Public Through ChemView Database

In an effort to improve public transparency in its new chemicals evaluation program, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has now begun publishing information submitted with TSCA Section 5 notices, including Premanufacture Notices (PMNs) and Significant New Use Notices (SNUNs). Submitted materials will now be available to the public through the ChemView Database. EPA will publish materials, including submitted health and safety studies, without any review or redaction. Submitters should carefully sanitize confidential business information (CBI) and make all CBI claims at the time of submission to avoid inadvertent disclosure of confidential information. Also, given the accessibility of the information, it will be paramount to ensure chemical toxicity information is well-researched and is accompanied by appropriate interpretation of results. Since enactment of the Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (LCSA) in June 2016, some information in health and safety studies can no longer be claimed as CBI in TSCA submissions. CBI claims must be carefully justified, and may be subject to EPA review.

Please contact Gradient’s TSCA Group if you have questions about how to prepare TSCA Section 5 submissions while protecting CBI.

Contact:  Lisa Bailey   l   Jessie M. Kneeland   l   Ari S. Lewis   l   Jiaru Zhang