Select Projects

Human Health Risk Assessment:  Conducted a human health risk assessment using US EPA guidance for a former MGP site currently divided into multiple residential and commercial properties.

Hazard Assessment:  Performed hazard assessments for various chemicals using data in accordance with United Nations Globalized Harmonized System (GHS) guidelines.

Risk Assessments for Former Manufacturing Plant:  Conducted human health risk assessments for five sites associated with a former paint manufacturing plant.  Evaluated worker and residential exposures to constituents in multiple environmental media.

Prop 65 Evaluation of Styrene in an Industrial Product:  Evaluated potential worker exposure to styrene from an industrial product. Modeled worker exposure to styrene via inhalation and incidental ingestion.  Compared estimated intakes to the Prop 65 Safe Harbor Limit.

Selected Publications

Chien, J. 2017. “Benzo(a)pyrene Toxicity Value Updates Implications for Human Health Risk Assessment.” Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, December 10.

Campe, L; McIntosh, L; Chien, J. 2015. “In Flux – A Case Study of Vapor Intrusion Site Transitioning from Active to Passive Sub Slab Depressurization Systems (SSDS).” Presented to the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences (AEHS) Foundation 31st Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, Amherst, MA, October 22.