Dear Colleague,
In this issue of Trends, we provide several articles on emerging issues in toxicology.
Our first article describes the intersection between artificial intelligence (AI) and toxicology, highlighting recent progress as well as some of the remaining limitations of these non-human methods. The second article details the evolving landscape of chemical risk evaluation and management under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), using trichloroethylene (TCE) to illustrate this process. The third article explores plastic additives and efforts currently underway to better understand their potential migration from plastics and their implications for human health. In our fourth article, Gradient announces our joining with Geosyntec Consultants.
Gradient contributors to this Trends issue include senior and principal toxicologists Drs. Steven R. Boomhower, Lisa Bailey, Satori Marchitti, and Andrew Yeh.
We hope this issue of Trends offers insight into these emerging issues in toxicology.
Yours truly,
Kurt Herman, M.Eng., P.G., and Chris Long, Sc.D., DABT
The next issue of Trends will focus on:
Energy and the Environment
Do you have a scientific topic that you would like Gradient to write about in Trends? Send us your ideas for future Trends topics: