Select Projects

Evaluation of Toxicology and Risks of PFAS:  Provided comments to US EPA regarding its Health Effects Documents for PFOA and PFOS.  Evaluated toxicological significance of PFAS in drinking water.

Safety Assessment for Medical Implant:  Performed a toxicological evaluation of oil residuals on medical implants.  Assessed the potential for long-term effects.

Pesticide Spray Drift Evaluation:  Developed a sampling plan to assess air concentrations of pesticides, and performed a risk assessment for spray drift exposure to pesticides.

Historical and Current Knowledge of Asbestos:  Evaluated evolution in understanding of asbestos health effects in different industries over time.  Analyzed toxicological differences among forms of asbestos.

Toxicological and Risk Evaluation of Arsenic:  Evaluated arsenic mode-of-action and assessed the implications for low-dose risks.

Toxicological and Risk Evaluation of Perchlorate:  Conducted an in-depth evaluation of animal toxicological studies in terms of human relevance.  Coordinated a human volunteer study involving low-level perchlorate exposure.

Testimony at Congressional Briefing on Lead Exposure from Recreational Vehicles:  Presented an analysis of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act on exposures to lead and potential impacts on blood lead of lead released from valves on bicycles and motorcycles.

Selected Publications

Prueitt, RL; Beck, BD; Calabrese, EJ. 2023. “Use of toxicology in the regulatory process.” In Hayes’ Principles and Methods of Toxicology (Seventh Edition). (Eds.: Hayes, AW; Kobets, T), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. p41-93.

Mayfield, DB; Bailey, LA; Cohen, JM; Beck, BD. 2022. “Properties and effects of metals.” In press in: Principles of Toxicology:  Environmental and Industrial Applications.

Cohen, JM; Beck, BD; Rhomberg, LR. 2021. “Historical perspective on the role of cell proliferation in carcinogenesis for DNA-reactive and non-DNA-reactive carcinogens: Arsenic as an example.” Toxicology 456:152783.

Krishan, M; Navarro, L; Beck, BD; Carvajal, R; Dourson, M. 2021. “A regulatory relic: After 60 years of research on cancer risk, the Delaney Clause continues to keeps us in the past. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 433:115779.

Pizzurro, DM; Seeley, M; Kerper, LE; Beck, BD. 2019. “Interspecies differences in perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) toxicokinetics and application to health-based criteria.” Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 106:239-250.