Gradient’s 2025 SOT Annual Meeting Presentations

News & Events

February 11, 2025

Gradient is presenting at the 2025 Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, taking place March 16-20, 2025, in Orlando, FL.  See presentation details below.

“Future Proofing Medical Device Biological Evaluation: Evolving Standards, Guidance, and Strategies”
Lindsey Borton
Exhibitor-Hosted Session
Room W208A
3/17/25 @ 3:15 pm-4:15 pm

“Nano and Microplastics: State of the Science on Sources, Analysis Methods, and Potential Health Effects”
Michael Peterson, Kim Reid, Andrew Yeh
Exhibitor-Hosted Session
Room W208A
3/18/25 @ 12:15 pm-1:15 pm

“Case Studies for Addressing Potential Biocompatibility Risks of Skin Contacting High-Tech Products”
Tom Lewandowski
Continuing Education Course:  Roadmap for Safety Evaluation of Emerging Consumer Products:  Application and Adaptation of Existing Practices
3/16/25 @ 8:15 am-12:00 pm

“Dermal Absorption of Ingredients in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products:  Understanding and Addressing Real-World Complexities”
Ari Lewis, Charlotte Marsh
Informational Session:  Skin Deep:  Navigating the Evolution and Application of Dermal Absorption Modeling in Modern Risk Assessment of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
3/19/25 @ 11:50 am-12:10 pm

B165:  The Relationship Between Air Lead and Blood Lead in a Modern US Lead-Acid Battery Facility: A Longitudinal Study
Wenchao Li, Jiayang Chien, Joel Cohen
Session: Human Exposure Assessment/Biomonitoring
3/17/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm

K563:  Evaluating Neural Reflex Activation as a Potential Mode of Action for the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Effects of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Using a Human Relevance Framework
Nicholas Drury, Cassandra Meakin, Robyn Prueitt, Julie Goodman
Session: Air Pollution Toxicology
3/17/25 @ 9:15 am-11:45 am

L632:  Adaptation of a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model to Evaluate Intermittent or Variable Cadmium Exposure
Taylor Skarkas, Jiayang Chien, Mary Hixon, Steven Boomhower
Session: Risk Assessment I
3/17/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm

L634:  An Evaluation of Soil Lead Guidance Values Derived from the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) Model
Kyle Colonna, Rosemary Mattuck, Steven Boomhower
Session: Risk Assessment I
3/17/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm

L637:  A Comparison Comparison of Blood Lead Models Used to Evaluate Intermittent Lead Exposure in Children and Adults
Steven Boomhower, Rosemary Mattuck, Kyle Colonna, Barbara Beck
Session: Risk Assessment I
3/17/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm

P751:  Evaluation of US EPA’s Proposed Rule for the Occupational Use of Carbon Tetrachloride and Proposal for a Revised Occupational Exposure Value
Satori Marchitti, Lisa Bailey
Session: Risk Assessment II
3/18/25 @ 9:15 am-11:45 am
*Best Abstract Award Winner, Risk Assessment Specialty Section *

F323:  Comparison of ToxTree and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation (OECD) QSAR Toolbox for Accurate Predictions of Skin Sensitization
Hayley Gadol, Pranav Mashankar, Rebecca Hebert, Seth Larch, Thomas Dugan
Session: Skin Sensitization
3/18/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm

F327:  Comparing the Skin Sensitization Potency of Acrylate and Methacrylate Analogs
Seth Larch, Thomas Dugan, Rebecca Ticknor, Isaac Mohar, Tom Lewandowski
Session: Skin Sensitization
3/18/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm

D220:  Evaluating the Suitability of Three Types of Cramer Decision Trees for Predicting the Toxicity of Medical Device Constituents
Brigitte Cronin, Colleen Clarke, Pranav Mashankar, Lindsey Borton, Bindu Prabhakar (Wuxi Apptec), Stephen Bond (RQM+), Taylor Builee (Taylor Builee LLC)
Session: Medical Devices
3/19/25 @ 9:15 am-11:45 am

D232:  A Revised Allowable Limit (AL) for Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Exposure in Children for Limited Duration Exposure Medical Devices According to ISO 10993-17:2023 and 10993-7:2008
Emily Kaye, Alex Gauthier, Lindsey Borton, Joel Cohen
Session: Medical Devices
3/19/25 @ 9:15 am-11:45 am

D249:  Material-Mediated Pyrogens in Medical Devices: Myth or Reality?
Lindsey Borton, Kelly Coleman (Medtronic)
Session: Medical Devices
3/19/25 @ 9:15 am-11:45 am

D250:  Mechanistic Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Endpoint in Chemical Toxicity Risk Assessment for Medical Devices
Rachel Chang, Megumi Matsushita, Daysi Diaz-Diestra, Lindsey Borton, Manoochehr Khazaee
Session: Medical Devices
3/19/25 @ 9:15 am-11:45 am

J541:  A Prospective ICH S1B(R1) Weight-of-Evidence Carcinogenicity Assessment for GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and Two-Year Rat Bioassays
Katherine Roach, Manoochehr Khazaee, Isaac Mohar, Alex Gauthier
Session: Carcinogenesis
3/19/25 @ 1:45 pm-4:15 pm