Lewis, A|Mattuck, RL|Ladwig, KE|Hensel, BR 2010
Population Risk from Arsenic Exposure in Communities Living Near Coal Combustion Waste Facilities.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Dodge, D|Goodman, J|Beck, B 2010
Weight-of-Evidence Analysis of Hydroquinone and Leukemia.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Beyer, LA|Rhomberg, LR|Hamade, AK|Beck, B 2010
Evaluation of Recent Information on Carcinogenicity of Perchloroethylene (PCE) in Humans.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Rhomberg, LR 2010
Hypothesis-based approaches to weighing information of complex datasets.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Rhomberg, LR 2010
Noncancer toxicity potential at low doses: Background considered statistically and biologically.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Seeley, MR|Beck, BD|Drivas, PJ 2010
Blue Soil at Former MGP Sites – Is it a Health Hazard?
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Prueitt, RL|Goodman, JE|Thakali, S 2010
An Evaluation of Hypotheses for Determining the Carcinogenic Potential of Nickel-Containing Substances.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Thakali, S|Chandalia, JK|Seeley, MR|Goodman, JE 2010
Meta-Analysis of Nitrogen Dioxide Effects on Airway Hyper-Responsiveness in Asthmatics: Effects of the Types of Airway Challenge, Exposure Methods, and Activities During Exposure.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Rahmani, I|Neely, WW|Lewandowski, TA 2010
Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Lead-Mercury Toxicological Interaction in an In Vitro Model.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Nascarella, MA|Lewis, AS|Beck, BD 2010
Mode-of-Action Proposal for Oral Hexavalent Chromium Carcinogenesis.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Chandalia, JK|Goodman, JE|Thakali, S|Seeley, MR 2010
Meta-Analysis of Airway Hyper-Responsiveness in Asthmatics after Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Kerper, LE|Goodman, JE|Petito Boyce, C|Prueitt, RL|Rhomberg, LR 2010
Weight-of-Evidence Analysis of Exposures to Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds and Associations with Thyroid Hormone Levels During Early Development.
Presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Wait, AD|Reid, KR|Occhialini, J|Todaro, J 2010
Time travel, fabrication, manipulation, and spoliation: Threats to data quality.
Environ. Claims J.
Rhomberg, LR|Goodman, JE|Lewandowski, TA 2010
Chapter 1.20: Risk assessment.
Comprehensive Toxicology (Second Edition). Volume 1: General Principles. (Ed.: Bond, J), Elsevier Ltd., United Kingdom
Lewis, AS|Beck, BD 2010
Nonlinear low-dose extrapolations.
In Cancer Risk Assessment: Chemical Carcinogenesis, Hazard Evaluation, and Risk Quantification. (Eds.: Hsu, CH; Stedeford, T), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ