Pacheco Shubin, S|Lewandowski, T 2018
Assessing the Predictive Ability of an In Silico Tool for Developmental Toxicity.
Presented at American College of Toxicology (ACT)'s 39th Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, November 4-7
Mohar, I|Lewandowski, T 2018
Considerations for Qualifying VCN in Cell-based Therapies.
Presented at American College of Toxicology (ACT)'s 39th Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, November 4-7
Kondziolka, J|Briggs, N|Zhang, Y|Lewandowski, T 2018
Applied methods for assessing flammability risks of HFO refrigerants.
Presented at the First IIR International Conference on the Application of HFO Refrigerants, Birmingham, UK, September 2-5
Kim, S|Abbas, L|Kondziolka, J|Dale, A|Lewandowski, T 2018
Flammability and risk assessment of low environmental impact refrigerants for R-134A and R-404A replacement.
Presented at the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA) International Symposium on New Refrigerants and Environmental Technology 2018, Kobe, Japan, December 6-7
Mebane, CA|Sumpter, JP|Fairbrother, A|Augspurger, TP|Canfield, TJ|Goodfellow, WL|Guiney, PD|LeHuray, A|Maltby, L|Mayfield, DB|McLaughlin, MJ|Ortego, LS|Schlekat, T|Scroggins, RP|Verslycke, TA 2018
Scientific integrity issues in environmental toxicology and chemistry: Improving research reproducibility, credibility, and transparency.
Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag.
Pedroso, FE|Angriman, F|Endo, A|Dasenbrock, H|Storino, A|Castillo, R|Watkins, AA|Castillo-Angeles, M|Goodman, JE|Zitsman, JL 2018
Weight loss after bariatric surgery in obese adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Surg. Obes, Relat. Dis.
Callura, JC|Perkins, KM|Noack, CW|Washburn, NR|Dzombak, DA|Karamalidis, AK 2018
Selective adsorption of rare earth elements onto functionalized silica particles.
Green Chem.
Lewis, A|LaMotte, R 2018
The Big Reveal: Preparing for Increased Ingredient Transparency.
Presented at Product Stewardship Conference 2018, Washington, DC, September 27-29
Lewandowski, TA 2018
Setting occupational exposure limits for HFO refrigerants: Understanding the process.
Presented at the First IIR International Conference on the Application of HFO Refrigerants, Birmingham, UK, September 2-5
Borton, LK|Coleman, KP 2018
Material-mediated pyrogens in medical devices: Applicability of the in vitro Monocyte Activation Test.
Meador, JP|Yeh, A|Gallagher, EP 2018
Adverse metabolic effects in fish exposed to contaminants of emerging concern in the field and laboratory.
Environ. Pollut.
Verslycke, T 2017 (Winter)
Accurately defining natural resource injury.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Wait, AD 2017 (Winter)
Marine oil spill data quality.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Tuit, C 2017 (Winter)
Whats in the mud? Sediment sampling for NRDA.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Flewelling, S 2017 (Spring)
Increasing water use will escalate disputes.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application