Hixon, MM|Beyer, L 2016
Evaluation of Reproductive Health Effects for the Caffeine in an Energy Drink.
Presented at the Teratology Society 56th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 25-29
Dorne, JLCM|Bottex, B|Merten, C|Germini, A|Georgiadis, N|Aiassa, E|Martino, L|Rhomberg, L|Clewell, HJ|Greiner, M|Suter, GW|Whelan, M|Hart, ADM|Knight, D|Agarwal, P|Younes, M|Alexander, J|Hardy, AR 2016
Special issue: Weighing evidence and assessing uncertainties.
Prueitt, RL|Goodman, JE 2016
Evaluation of neural reflex activation as a mode of action for the acute respiratory effects of ozone.
Inhal. Toxicol.
Bittner, A 2016
Coal Ash Beneficial Reuse Assessment Consistent with Requirements of the 2015 Federal CCR Rule.
Presented at EUCI's Sixth Annual Coal Combustion Residuals and Effluent Limitation Guidelines Conference, Charlotte, NC, March 30-31
Zu, K|Tao, G|Goodman, JE 2016
Pleural Plaques and Lung Function in the Marysville Worker Cohort: A Re-analysis.
Presented at the 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL, June 21-24
Bittner, A 2016
The Federal CCR Rule and How it is Impacting Coal Ash Disposal.
Presented at Battelle's Tenth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Palm Springs, CA, May 23-26
Greenberg, GI|Mattuck, RL 2016
Screening Assessment for Unique Human Health Exposure Pathways.
Presented at SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 6-10
Peterson, M 2016
The battle over artificial turf.
Sch. Bus. Aff.
Greenberg, GI|Skall, DG 2016
Probabilistic Ecological Risk Assessments Are They Worth Your Time?
Presented at SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 6-10
Lewis, A October 25, 2016
Framework Overview: Evaluating Surface Impoundment Closure Options.
Baron, K|Zhang, J|Lewis, A|Bergeson, L November 20, 2014
Introduction to the GHS and Challenges Associated With Its Implementation.
Presented at Gradient and Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.'s GHS Webinar Series.
Meijer, S|Gioia, R|Zhang, J October 8, 2015
REACH Overview with Special Considerations for REACH 2018.
Presented at Gradient's Reach 2018 Webinar.
Reid, K|Lewandowski, T|Zhang, J|Nestler, A June 22, 2016
Alternatives Assessment.
Presented at Gradient's Trends 66 Webinar.
Ottinger, MA|Flynn, K|Degitz, S|Verslycke, T|Krueger, H|Touart, L|Olmstead, A|Goumelon, A 2016
Endocrine disruption: Where are we now: Tier 2 testing.
PeerJ Prepr.
Lynch, HN|Loftus; CT|Cohen, JM|Kerper, LE|Kennedy, EM|Goodman, JE 2016
Weight-of-evidence evaluation of associations between particulate matter exposure and biomarkers of lung cancer.
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol.