Rhomberg, LR 2011
Comparison of Strategies to Structure Weight-of-Evidence Evaluations.
Presented at the "Synthesizing Evidence for Evidence-Based Decisionmaking: Part 1" Workshop, Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, December 5.
Rhomberg, LR 2011
Overview of Approaches for Evidence-Based Decisionmaking.
Presented at the "Synthesizing Evidence: An Introduction to Systematic Reviews,Meta-Analysis, and Expert Elicitation" Workshop, Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, December 4.
Rhomberg, LR|Chandalia, JK|Long, CM|Goodman, JE 2011
Measurement error in environmental epidemiology and the shape of exposure-response curves.
Crit. Rev. Toxicol.
Bailey, L 2010 (Winter)
Do medical monitoring risks outweigh benefits?
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Nascarella, M|Merrill, D 2010 (Winter)
Radiation risk assessment.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Seeley, M 2010 (Spring)
State vs. federal role in chemical risk management.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Reid, KR 2010 (Spring)
The impact of the global marketplace.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Merrill, D 2010 (Spring)
REACH's long arm.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Goodman, J|Rhomberg, L 2010 (Fall)
Current controversies in non-cancer dose-response.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Rhomberg, L|Bailey, L 2010 (Fall)
Weigh the evidence! But how much does evidence weigh?
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Prueitt, R 2010 (Fall)
Data mining: Potential and pitfalls.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Calabrese, EJ|Hoffmann, GR|Stanek, EJ III|Nascarella, MA 2010
Hormesis in high-throughput screening of antibacterial compounds in E coli.
Hum. Exp. Toxicol.
Janus, E|Dube, EM|Goldberg, S 2010
The role of FDA in the regulation of manufactured nanomaterials.
Bloomberg Law Reports Health Law
Tarrant, AM|Stegeman, JJ|Verslycke, T 2010
Altered gene expression associated with epizootic shell disease in the American lobster, Homarus americanus.
Fish Shellfish Immunol.
Meek, ME|Levy, LS|Beck, BD|Danzeisen, R|Donohue, JM|Arnold, IM|Krewski, D 2010
Risk assessment practice for essential metals.
J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A