Flewelling, S|Tymchak, M|Langseth, D|Waterfield, G May 31, 2017
Water Rights.
Presented at Gradient's Trends 69 Webinar
Wannamaker, E|Herman, K|Butler, E|Jakubiak, J|Petito Boyce, C May 27, 2010
Subsurface LNAPL Behavior in a Tidal Zone: A Case Study.
Battelle Seventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA
Bittner, A May 27, 2010
A Weight-of-Evidence Approach to Assess NAPL Mobility.
Battelle Seventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA
Beck, BD May 25, 2022
Challenges in Defining A Safe Level: Lead Case Study.
Presented at the IFSAN-CFS3 Virtual Advisory Council Symposium: Understanding of the Impact of Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead Across the Food Supply
Boroumand, A|Herman, K May 24, 2017
Green and Sustainable Remediation Analysis: Coal Ash Surface Impoundment Closure.
Presented at Battelle's Fourth International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Miami, FL
Rice, JW May 23, 2018
One Size Doesn't Fit All: Tailoring Read-across Methodology for TSCA and Other Contexts.
Presented at the NIEHS SRP Risk e-Learning "Tools for Assessing Exposure and Toxicity" Webinar
Lewis, AS May 22, 2018
Establishing Alternative Groundwater Protection Standards Under [a changing] CCR Rule.
Presented at the Utility Solid Waste Activities Group (USWAG) CCR Workshop, Washington, DC
Lewandowski, TA May 18, 2011
Timing of Exposure Issues in Assessing Developmental and Reproductive Health Risks.
AIHce2011 Conference, Portland, OR, May 14-19, 2011
Briggs, N|Lewis, AS|Bittner, A May 16, 2019
Evaluating Climate Change Impacts on CCP Surface Impoundments and Landfills.
Presented at the World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference, St. Louis, MO
Cohen, J May 16, 2017
Nanomaterials in Food and Food Contact Substances: Hazards, Risks and Regulation.
Presented at the Nanotech 2017 Conference & Expo, Washington, DC, May 14-17
Lewis, AS May 15, 2019
Regional Screening Levels for the Appendix IV Constituents without Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs): Looking Under the Hood.
Presented at the World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference, St. Louis, MO
Cohen, JM|DeLoid, G|Pirela, SV|Beltran, J|Pyrgiotakis, G|Demokritou, P May 15, 2017
An Integrated Methodology Across the Dispersion Preparation-Characterization-In vitro Dosimetry Continuum for Engineered Nanomaterials.
Presented at the Nanotech 2017 Conference & Expo, Washington, DC, May 14-17
Herman, K|Flewelling, SA|Bittner, AB|Tymchak, MP|Swamy, M May 14, 2015
Alternate Endpoints for Remediating NAPL-Impacted Sites.
Presented at EPRI/AWMA Env-Vision Conference, Crystal City, VA
Goodman, JE|Sax, S May 11, 2014
The dubious benefits of further ozone reductions (Op-ed).
Wall St. J.
Goodman, JE|Dodge, DG|Bailey, LA|Prueitt, RL|Peterson, MK|Beck, BD|Engel, AM May 1, 2020
Comments on the Toxic Substances Control Act Draft Risk Evaluation for Asbestos Regarding Chrysotile Asbestos and the Occupational Use of Automotive Brakes, Docket No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0501.