Yakoob, MY|Bateman, BT|Ho, E|Hernandez-Diaz, S|Franklin, JM|Goodman, JE|Hoban, RA 2013
The risk of congenital malformations associated with exposure to -blockers early in pregnancy: A meta-analysis.
Wigder, NL|Jaffe, DA|Saketa, FA 2013
Ozone and particulate matter enhancements from regional wildfires observed at Mount Bachelor during 2004-2011.
Atmos. Environ.
Saito, MA|Noble, AE|Tagliabue, A|Goepfert, TJ|Lamborg, CH|Jenkins, WJ 2013
Slow-spreading submarine ridges in the South Atlantic as a significant oceanic iron source.
Nat. Geosci.
Noble, AE|Moran, DM|Allen, AE|Saito, MA 2013
Dissolved and particulate trace metal micronutrients under the McMurdo Sound seasonal sea ice: Basal sea ice communities as a capacitor for iron.
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Dale, AL|Lowry, GV|Casman, EA 2013
Modeling nanosilver transformations in freshwater sediments.
Environ. Sci. Technol.
Goodman, J 2012 (Winter)
The U.S. EPAs causality framework
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Prueitt, R 2012 (Winter)
Defining susceptibility and vulnerability.
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Mayfield, D 2012 (Spring)
REEs: Benefits/challenges.
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Lewis, AS 2012 (Spring)
Potential hazards of REEs.
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Mayfield, D 2012 (Spring)
Rare earth nanomaterials.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Merrill, D 2012 (Fall)
Hydraulic fracturing: Science and perceptions.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Flewelling, S 2012 (Fall)
Potential HF chemical migration and risks.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Verslycke, T 2012 (Fall)
Assessing hazards of HF products.
Gradient Trends - Risk Science & Application
Bailey, LA|Prueitt, RL|Rhomberg, LR 2012
Hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence evaluation of methanol as a human carcinogen.
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol.
Lewis, AS|Reid, KR|Pollock, MC|Campleman, SL 2012
Speciated arsenic in air: Measurement methodology and risk assessment considerations.
J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc.